Step by Step Explanation

Here is a step by step explanation on how to bet on our platform, which will hopefully avoid any confusion on our users’ end.

Purchase the Necessary Assets

Check our main Dashboard on CronoSports and find your favourite match that you would like to bet on. Then check the "bet currency" tab to see which asset is required for your bet.

Now you can head over to or any other DEX of your choice to purchase the necessary asset for the bet. Once you've purchased all necessary assets you can head back to CronoSports.

Select Your Match and Start Betting

Select the match you'd like to bet on from the Main Dashboard and head over to the Match Page, where you'll be able to find in depth betting options. Now you just have to perform a few simple steps:

  • Approve the contract from the approval button

  • Select the Bet Option that you would like

  • Select the amount of assets you would like to bet through the slider

  • Place your bet

Your bet will now show up in the sidebar and on the Bet History page. You can place multiple separate bets if you wish to do so, there are no limitations on that through our platform.

Cancel Your Bet and Claim Your Rewards

While the match is open you will also be able to cancel your bet and change it if needed. Keep in mind that after the bet goes into the locking period you won't be able to change it anymore and you'll have to wait for the end of the match where winners will be revealed and everyone will receive their assets back.

To claim your assets you can simply go on the Bet History page, where you'll be able to view all of your previous bets and claim the rewards for all of your victorious bets.

Last updated